This third quarter has been an experience of discovery, obstacles, and growth. Our attention to HTML, including nested lists, ordered lists, and unordered lists, was incredibly foundational for one learning about web development. But it is the group-based CBR (Case-Based Reasoning) project that was uniquely challenging.
My biggest learning discovery has been to be patient, especially when working in teams. Not everyone puts in an equal amount, and I've learned to be okay with that; not everyone will put forth the same level of effort. This was frustrating at first, but I've grown used to it and learned to control my expectations more. I found the technical side of nested lists confusing at first, but it made much more sense the more I worked with them. Knowing how to structure and nest different list types really honed my skills in HTML. I further learnt that good programming involves rigorous testing and debugging, for the code to ultimately work.
These were the major problems of the group CBR project. There was a distribution of work that was not fair. Some of the people became very involved and active, while others had to be reminded time and again. This became a source of pressure as some of the members did not give the same progress in that particular project. The most important mistake was in my grade calculation. My teacher miscalculated my score, hence getting an incorrect grade.
These included good communication among the members so that they understand what each should do. I asked questions to ensure that everybody was contributing accordingly and provided them with assistance in case they need it. I kept work records to establish accountability and a clear contribution for the task performed. The error in the grading, for instance, called for me to calmly go and see my teacher with proof that there was some miscalculation. While I really felt disappointed at first, I still chose to forgive them because they are humans and mistake-prone. I learned patience and understanding even when I faced setbacks.
For my future, I would keep pushing to perfect HTML skills in more complex elements and generating dynamic web pages. I'll try to make teamwork strategies improve by having proactive communication and proper delegation of tasks that will mitigate the challenges given by uneven contributions. Lastly, I will still keep myself patient with everyone, knowing that every person makes mistakes, even teachers themselves. This quarter has been a good learning experience on technical skills, team dynamics, and forgiveness.
Http:// grow/
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