We were making plans for the CBR. They are my members, we took the opportunity to take pictures for the media gallery of our research.
Another shot of picture! As we exchanged ideas, the urge to take a picture suddenly strikes us—astonishing isn't it?
Deadline is catching up. We were struggling, and our minds are filled with doubt and agony!
Despite the agonizing moment, we didn't forget to take a picture. Us against the whole universe—capturing our melancholic cries!
That's me interviewing my papa. Look how serious he is! He enlightened my mind with his wordly wisdom! I've learned numerous knowledge about "farming" because of him. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my dad!
The day of presentation. Goosebumps everywhere! It was fun! We were able to take pictures for the sake of documentation. Yipieee
War is over! I've learned vast of lessons and insights about CBR. I reflect on how this activity have truly opened my eyes and I was able to vision its significance.
A field! Greeny grass everywhere, the gold rays hitting on my skin, my hair getting caught in the wind—it's so bewitching. I'm thrilled on how simple things like this could lift a burden on my shoulder.
Sleepless nights because of coding! CSS in the air, tons of coffee and slowly losing my sanity. It was fun tho!
Collection of contributions! Equally and ethically! Last step in making our CBR
My biggest learning discovery has been to be patient, especially when working in teams. Not everyone puts in an equal amount, and I've learned to be okay with that; not everyone will put forth the same level of effort. This was frustrating at first, but I've grown used to it and learned to control my expectations more. I found the technical side of lists and codes confusing at first, but it made much more sense the more I worked with them. Knowing how to structure and codes different lists types really honed my skills in HTML. I further learnt that good programming involves rigorous testing and debugging, for the code to ultimately Work. These were the major problems of the group CBR project. There was a distribution of work that was not fair. Some of the people became very involved and active, while others had to be reminded time and again. This became a source of pressure as some of the members did not give the same progress in that particular project.
What a long and fun journey! I can see that you really did your best my dear frenemie, rein.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your journey. Good luck in the next quarter !!