Saturday, 22 February 2025

Raw Vibrance of our culture tapestry

 It has always been our custom to celebrate at Kannawidan. You hear it from the air full of the reverberating drums and in each thrum, you hear the adrenaline coursing through your veins, pounding the heart callously. We celebrate its raw vibrancy because we also hold witness to our beliefs, pride, and respect for what we believe in. The opportunity for us to own our talent placed in the celebrant comes to us through Kannawidian. This is where people get to be who they are, meet new people, expanding their network of friends, and feeling the thrill of excitement and anticipation. This natural adrenaline is why Kannawidian is being celebrated.

It's an energetic celebration of our common

heritage. It's a celebration that is acknowledging our living cultural heritage in the strongest sense of the word. The beat of the drums is more than accompaniment to music; it is at the center of our society, a pounding throb of celebration of our shared heritage and shared destiny.

Apart from the temporary thrill and excitement, Kannawidan is also significant in preserving and passing on our cultural values to our future generations. The stories, songs, and dances that have been passed on to us are not just remnants of the past; they are living legacies of our faith, of our dreams, and aspirations. We are somehow keeping our heritage alive and making it contemporary in this fast-paced world by watching Kannawidan.

The festival also helps to bring people

together as well as foster social cohesion and strengthen community relations. The festival brings together different people, who have a common platform on which to gather, endure, and embrace one another. The shared platform of Kannawidan bridges the gaps and brings about oneness and sense of togetherness that makes us as people. The potential to meet new people and expand social networks is an important aspect of the festival, enriching lives and strengthening the sense of community. 

In essence, Kannawidan is more than a festival; it is an active embodiment of our heritage, something that unites the community, and a dynamic expression of our common identity. It is a heritage to be nurtured, kept, and bequeathed to generations to enjoy, where it would still possess its unique energy and cultural heritage. The energy, the passion, the lively air – these we honor Kannawidan for, and how it remains part of our cultural inclination.



Friday, 14 February 2025

Falling behind

From my point of view, Valentine's Day is filled with dreadful activities and cliché happenings. I've been a vitriolic girl, naive and foolish. As the clock struck twelve on the night of February 13th, Laufey's music resonated through my room while I stuffed cookies and cream ice cream into my mouth. As stated in one of her songs, "Falling Behind":


"'Cause the sun's engaged to the sky

And my best friend's found a new guy

I'm only getting older

I've never had a shoulder to cry on

Someone to call mine

Everybody's falling in love and I'm falling behind"



In my perplexed state, I often ask myself: When will I ever find someone? Why do we celebrate Valentine's Day in the first place? I've always felt like I was falling behind. What lies beneath the so-called "Araw ng mga Puso?" According to


February 14th is a holiday where people exchange gifts, flowers, and chocolates with their loved ones, and it's celebrated around the world.

 Valentine's Day - observed on 14th February every year - is steeped in history and has had remarkable yet diverse meanings over many centuries. It is both Christian celebrations as well as ancient Roman celebrations and changing societal values. This day is usually commemorated as the feast day of the Christian Saint Valentine, a Roman priest who traveled around martyrdom at 269 AD. Legends abound involving kindness and opposition to Roman persecution. There is still, however, an alternative argument claiming the date was deliberately picked to coincide with the pagan holiday Lupercalia. It involved a lottery coupling of women and men, a Roman fertility and purification festival, which perhaps had a bearing, too, on the coming romantic linkage in time. The final tie to romantic love arrived in the 14th and 15th centuries when courtly love developed, to be crowned in writing through Geoffrey Chaucer's "Parliament of Fowls," which had the first-known written mention of Valentine's Day as a romantic holiday.  

This shows the power of the continued human longing for connection and the rivulet between tradition and cultural change.

Growing up, I didn't have anyone—no shoulders to lean on. In my mind, I didn't

need a partner because of the clichés it presented. I grew up independently, facing every stumble, predicament, and hurdle alone. With all my might, I avoided anything romantic in my life. However, I've come to a realization. Love doesn't revolve solely around romantic things; it's more about our loved ones—family, friends, and acquaintances. Over the years of keeping a distance from affection, I met my only exception. I see a bright future with this person, and he's turned my pessimistic perspective upside down. At first, I was bewildered because I had sworn to myself that I would never fall in love. Amidst the chaos of numerous contradictions and perspectives about love, I am certain that I'm fond of this guy. I'll go beyond measures, embrace stepping outside my comfort zone to show that he is worth it. With his presence, I had a bliss celebrating Valentine this year.
 It felt like my favourite artist song

"You could wipe my mind

I'd still be stuck on you

I'd climb the heights

Nothing I wouldn't do

I'll be holding onto every word

Every promise that you ever heard

I'm making up for all the days

That passed us by"

-Grent perez

I was shown a little, beautifully made box. In it, there was a single flower—my

favorite. But this wasn't a regular flower; it was perfect, impossibly perfect in my view. Every petal was precisely shaped, a testament to the careful, tender fingers that had formed it. Knowing it, I felt the connection with the poem/song of my favorite artist, the bare vulnerability, the cringing hope hanging onto each line. It wasn't a typical gift; it was a rendering of that poem into something real, a wordless repetition of its passion. It was an unnoticeable vocabulary, spoken not in words, but in the subtle geometry of a flower. A secret, I understood now, even total forgetfulness on my part could not remove. The flower remained, a burst of color, a haunting figure, a reminder of a vow that overrode the limitations of the mind itself. It was an ascent, a vow fulfilled, an unspoken, humbling declaration.



Monday, 10 February 2025

Last chapter of 3rd quarter—Thematic in Ict


We were making plans for the CBR. They are my members, we took the opportunity to take pictures for the media gallery of our research.

Another shot of picture! As we exchanged ideas, the urge to take a picture suddenly strikes us—astonishing isn't it?

Deadline is catching up. We were struggling, and our minds are filled with doubt and agony!

Despite the agonizing moment, we didn't forget to take a picture. Us against the whole universe—capturing our melancholic cries!

That's me interviewing my papa. Look how serious he is! He enlightened my mind with his wordly wisdom! I've learned numerous knowledge about "farming" because of him. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my dad! 

The day of presentation. Goosebumps everywhere! It was fun! We were able to take pictures for the sake of documentation. Yipieee

War is over! I've learned vast of  lessons and insights about CBR.  I reflect on how this activity have truly opened my eyes and I was able to vision its significance. 

A field! Greeny grass everywhere, the gold rays hitting on my skin, my hair getting caught in the wind—it's so bewitching. I'm thrilled on how simple things like this could lift a burden on my shoulder. 

Sleepless nights because of coding! CSS in the air, tons of coffee and slowly losing my sanity. It was fun tho!

Collection of contributions! Equally and ethically! Last step in making our CBR


My biggest learning discovery has been to be patient, especially when working in teams. Not everyone puts in an equal amount, and I've learned to be okay with that; not everyone will put forth the same level of effort. This was frustrating at first, but I've grown used to it and learned to control my expectations more. I found the technical side of lists and codes confusing at first, but it made much more sense the more I worked with them. Knowing how to structure and codes different lists types really honed my skills in HTML. I further learnt that good programming involves rigorous testing and debugging, for the code to ultimately Work. These were the major problems of the group CBR project. There was a distribution of work that was not fair. Some of the people became very involved and active, while others had to be reminded time and again. This became a source of pressure as some of the members did not give the same progress in that particular project. 


Friday, 7 February 2025

Watching my potential blossom

This third quarter has been an experience of discovery, obstacles, and growth. Our attention to HTML, including nested lists, ordered lists, and unordered lists, was incredibly foundational for one learning about web development. But it is the group-based CBR (Case-Based Reasoning) project that was uniquely challenging.

My biggest learning discovery has been to be patient, especially when working in teams. Not everyone puts in an equal amount, and I've learned to be okay with that; not everyone will put forth the same level of effort. This was frustrating at first, but I've grown used to it and learned to control my expectations more. I found the technical side of nested lists confusing at first, but it made much more sense the more I worked with them. Knowing how to structure and nest different list types really honed my skills in HTML. I further learnt that good programming involves rigorous testing and debugging, for the code to ultimately work.

These were the major problems of the group CBR project. There was a distribution of work that was not fair. Some of the people became very involved and active, while others had to be reminded time and again. This became a source of pressure as some of the members did not give the same progress in that particular project. The most important mistake was in my grade calculation. My teacher miscalculated my score, hence getting an incorrect grade.

These included good communication among the members so that they understand what each should do. I asked questions to ensure that everybody was contributing accordingly and provided them with assistance in case they need it. I kept work records to establish accountability and a clear contribution for the task performed. The error in the grading, for instance, called for me to calmly go and see my teacher with proof that there was some miscalculation. While I really felt disappointed at first, I still chose to forgive them because they are humans and mistake-prone. I learned patience and understanding even when I faced setbacks.

For my future, I would keep pushing to perfect HTML skills in more complex elements and generating dynamic web pages. I'll try to make teamwork strategies improve by having proactive communication and proper delegation of tasks that will mitigate the challenges given by uneven contributions. Lastly, I will still keep myself patient with everyone, knowing that every person makes mistakes, even teachers themselves. This quarter has been a good learning experience on technical skills, team dynamics, and forgiveness.


Http:// grow/


Rich Filipino culture takes much from this old relationship the country has held with China for so long a time of trading, migrating, and marrying each other

out. Its great cultural assimilation can most notably be seen through its very Chinese New Year. This festival is held throughout the Philippines, attesting to how deep the historical bond between these two nations goes and how hospitable Filipino culture is. Celebrating the activities may even be done among those who have no Chinese origin as a manifestation of their common cultural heritage. The fiesta, enlivened by the rhythmic beat of drums, the stunning lion dances, and the pungent smell of traditional Filipino foods, come alive in the horizon of Filipino festivity. Places especially vivid are places with a large Chinese population such as Binondo in Manila for example.

In the finale of the festival, a family reunion takes place to give out gifts and exchange "ang pao," red envelopes that hold money. One of the highlights of the celebration marks traditional food preparation, where tikoy, sweet rice cake, and hopia, which are filled pastries, will be prepared for everyone. Renewal and a new start are metaphorically indicated by cleaning the house to sweep away all bad luck and usher in good fortune. This leads communal activity towards an u
nbreakable bond of community. 

Streets full of parades, lion and dragon dances, the whole feeling of the celebrations is just so full of happiness. This mass participation in Chinese New Year celebrations, however, has not only come about by the proximity or the convenience but signifies deep historical and cultural ties of the Philippines to China.

This all led to the adoption and adaptation

of such important festival for thriving Chinatowns, the economic and social development of China immigrants in Philippines, and even the Chinese-filipino families being absorbed by the bigger society. In that, this happens to be just one example by which this nation has successfully engulfed the stream of cultural diversity, with its infusion then availed for shaping a lively distinct national identity. This is because, in the Philippines, Chinese New Year is not only a celebration but also a symbol of mutual respect and cultural heritage. It's an affair that underlies family gatherings to celebrate good fortune and prosperity. The event becomes renewal of bonds connecting loved ones together. With vibrant colors, lively music, great food, and a deep sense of community, these aspects create overall jubilation and exhilaration about the celebration.


Indeed, this holiday transcends ethnicity as people from different walks of life celebrate and, thereby, make rich the cultural experiences of both the Philippines and Spain, and by so doing bridge and bind the ties of two nations together in the bonds of shared history. These traditions are not only observed but actively embraced and adapted as Filipino in their own, unique and distinctly Filipino interpretation of this ancient and significant festival. Actually, the non-stop growth in popularity of the Chinese New Year in the Philippines only proves to make it even more important-the celebration of national unity and culture.




Raw Vibrance of our culture tapestry

  It has always been our custom to celebrate at Kannawidan. You hear it from the air full of the reverberating drums and in each thrum, you ...