Sunday, 26 January 2025

The enchanting journey of Vigan


Vigan carves an irresistible history and charm into my childhood memories. The testaments of a rich past, intricately woven into its designs, whisper stories of a forgotten time. Having gone back to the 16th century, it uniquely sports a Hispanic colonial character through its street pattern and urban layout that has remarkably been preserved. Even the interesting conspiracy theories surrounding its origin—reportedly the offspring of love between a Filipino and a Japanese man—make it a mystery. 

Yet, the story of Vigan is not only history but also an interesting account of its transformation from being a municipality to a thriving city.It was not overnight, but went through stages and landmark developments. Careful maintenance of its historic architecture and cityscape was important. The old-world charm of the town, a mix of Spanish colonial inspiration and Filipino resourcefulness, attracted tourists from all over the world. This flow of visitors would then generate income for the local economy, bringing about growth and development. This made Vigan an international landmark, with UNESCO declaring it a World Heritage Site, thus putting it at the forefront of the international community for attention and investment.More economic activity made way for infrastructures. 

New roads, sanitation, and public service have

changed the look of the city. However, modernisation was taken to complement Vigan's historical personality rather than undermining it. Building codes were strictly observed in order to preserve the distinct integrity of the architectural landscape. The city government also gave importance to the practice of sustainable tourism with an emphasis on economic growth without the loss of environment and culture.It was no easy transition from a municipality to a city. Meeting the demands of an ever-growing population while still retaining its historical heritage would require proper planning and maximum involvement of the community in said development. Subtle movement between the two factors would be required to mature this urban development as they move through complexities that involve safeguarding that identity. One might find success in this fragile harmony presented in the city because, for a modern one to exist next to history is conceivable.

Today, Vigan is actually a living testimony to conscious urban development. It is an example of how rich historical heritage would fit very well with dynamism in modern life. Its journey from being a municipality to a city is one of struggle, vision, and the never-fading spirit of a community that cherishes its past but celebrates its future. It is a tale that unfolds and continues into the identity that Vigan will be defined by for future generations. But for me, it will always have treasured memories, a place where history and modernity blend with a truly enigmatic experience of a city.






Tuesday, 7 January 2025

New A Retrospection of Thoughts that Led to the Transition

The phrase “New Year, New Me” has widely gained acceptance. It is the phrase that is always well-declaimed at around midnight on New Year’s day. It is often considered as a tired cliché, but there is a fundamental flaw in treating it as such: it is always a new year that is dawning and hence an ideal time to start anew. It’s a moment to review the previous year, pinpoint weaknesses, and establish goals for the upcoming one. However, the quest for a “new me” is far deeper than coming up with new year resolutions, it is a constant state of growth and change in oneself.

This recollection needs to be brutally honest and self critical. Self reflection is productive in the sense that we are able to stick to our objectives better, after looking at the previous year and the circumstances that held us back from our goals and when we performed well. We begin with the question of what we achieved in the year. What shortcomings do we note? Learning from past oblivion is imperative and therefore, a self assessment is undertaken to suggest into forming patterns for the future. Based on our routines and recurrent behaviours, we could also learn when to make necessary amendments. From spending time more productively or becoming more innovative to tackling stressors through healthy means and getting emotionally closer to people that we relate to may be solutions. Therefore, the self assessment is where we come out with the perfect explanation to begin our self improvement plan.

One crucial thing about me that I would like to ameliorate is my self esteem. I've grown up timid, and an introverted person. With my pessimistic nature, I have missed enormous opportunities. By enhancing my self esteem, I would be able to perceive new experiences, and face any predicaments that may come into my life.

The returning of another year, so much a repeating circle of successes and failures, often such a twist in between that brings the renewal feel; while at about January 1, it feels so fresh, takes such a deep breath before heading on a new adventure. "This year will be different," "new year, new me," we tell ourselves in the hopes of growing into a better version of us. Indeed, natural and healthy should be this desire for growth

The unrealistic and ultimately self-defeating pressure to metamorphose into an entirely new person overnight. Real transformation is never a sudden dramatic change, instead it is a process that takes place gradually over time. Growth is not restricted to a single day, but is a continuous journey interwoven with the fabric of our daily lives. Instead of concentrating on radical change, we should focus more on all the small incremental steps the lessons learned from mistakes, acts of bravery we take in spite of our fears, little kindnesses done to others. These are the building blocks of a better self-a self built not by grand gestures, but by consistent effort and self-forgiveness. It is not a reset but an opportunity to build upon the foundation we have already laid. A chance to start nurturing the growth already happening inside us, to cultivate the seeds of change that sprout within us without ceasing. This definitely puts us in mind to face the new year with realistic hope rather than unrealistic expectations.




Saturday, 4 January 2025

Winter wonderland

 What makes Christmas special? I often ask myself that. Growing up, I've been this warm child with a vibrant view of the world, echoing with voices of joy and energy; radiating from myself and to my closest companions. As the cold wind glows amidst the air, Christmas songs resonate through the surrounding; a form of sonorous hymn. A beam light shines through the dullness of this year. It is the day where our savior was born. Remarkable experiences were made onto this special day. Spending time with your family, going on a trip, giving and receiving presents, and last but not the least, carolling—to go about outdoors in a group singing Christmas carols. From my perspective, these are my serendipitous moments. I grasp the passion of myself opening my gifts—adrenaline rush, dawdling through my body, and a sense of gratefulness fulfills my heart. I reflect on myself, to the countless blessings that I have, and to the people who have helped me shape myself, to redesign my life to be able to fully reach my full potential and live to the fullest. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude. I am aware that words can never adequately convey it, yet here I am, continuously attempting to imagine and communicate these inexpressible emotions 

One particular Christmas is more memorable to me because of its humble and non ostentatious nature. Perhaps it was one of the years where our family income was quite restrained. Memories are what we created as we did not shower each other with presents. It was a day when we worked together to ornament a modest live Christmas tree, that made our living room warm with a lovely smell of pine. My young brother, who's 3 years old, was so eager to help that he would insist it. His tiny fingers were all over the baubles and once in a while he would drop some which amused us all to no end. Of all the gifts, it was then, the sound of that laughter reverberating around that tiny space which stood out as the best gift.

That day we shared the same social dynamics but exchanged cheap items instead of giving one another expensive gifts, we had home made lasagna and apple pie baked by my grandmother as a light meal. The thick smoke from the fire, the good smell of the food and the togetherness was worth a lot more than all the materialistic valuables that were out there. This was the Christmas which had its own charm in terms of experiences, tranquil moments, unlike the previous Christmases that were one dressed up for and were full of rush due to the ridiculously high number of gifts. But in that very simplicity I was able to understand the real meaning of Christmas, which is love and the bond of family.

This made me realize that Christmas is not concerned with the quantity of presents, or the extent of the festivities. It concerns the amount of time that is spent with relatives, the moments


Raw Vibrance of our culture tapestry

  It has always been our custom to celebrate at Kannawidan. You hear it from the air full of the reverberating drums and in each thrum, you ...